Sub arc camera system - Compact

A complete system for sub arc monitoring includes our MeltView PIXI camera, a compact camera controller, a free arm camera mount, an HF isolation ring mount for the free arm camera mount, a camera cable, and a monitor.

Part numbers for each product:

  •  MeltView PIXI: PX1-0A08-X.
  • MeltView compact camera controller: PXCC8.
  • X-coded camera cable: Any variation up to 25m (82ft) will work.
  • Free arm mount: Any variation of this product will work.
  • HF isolation ring mount: HF0R3T
  • 15.6" monitor: DR0036
MeltView<sup>®</sup> PIXI welding camera
Versatile camera ideal for LBW, PAW, SAW and TIG
X-coded camera cable
For DART2, PIXI, APEX3 and MIRA3 welding cameras
from $200.00 to $750.00
Free arm camera mount (1/4 adapter)
Camera mounts
from $310.00 to $500.00
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