MeltView® SYNC high-speed imaging of FCAW

Droplets and solidification during FACW of steel are made visible with the MeltView® SYNC camera. At over 300 frames per second, these features start to become visible, and the SYNC can record video continuously at up to 1200 fps to capture most welding phenomena in great detail. Here the performance of ESAB Dual Shield 710X-M wire is examined for later playback in comparison to other ESAB wire. Welding at 225 amps with shielding gas of 25% CO2/75% Argon.

The MeltView® SYNC camera is a customized camera solution, unique in the market as it is small yet with a fast enough frame rate (up to 1200 frames per second) to observe process detail.

High Frame Rate Welding Cameras
High speed cameras and lighting systems for welding research and development and trouble shooting
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