MeltView APEX2 Camera for Welding Training in the Transit Industry

We asked a welding supervisor at a multinational company how the APEX2 camera can be used for employee development and evaluation. His comments are below, and we have compiled a brief video using some of his welding footage of GMAW. The camera is mounted to the gun at about four inches working distance in the first five clips of short circuit welding: 3G Side View, 1F, 3F Front Diagonal, 3F Behind, 1F. The last two clips of pulsed GMAW are made with the camera mounted in a fixed position. Video and Q&A credit to Craig Ziebol. 


Q: What were your aims when you decided to use a welding camera to capture welds, and how does the camera meet your expectations or not? **A: I spend quite a bit of time training and certifying welders to CWB (Canadian Welding Bureau) standards. When I ask them what they are seeing as they weld, I get vague answers or “I don’t know I just weld”. I need a tool that can train the eye to see both good and bad techniques.  A training tool that is reliable and repeatable. Future state is to side by side compare library footage next to real time operator footage.**

Q: How have you used, or will you use the videos? Eg training, marketing, recruitment, continuous improvement, etc.? **A: I will be using them for training and recruitment.  The true outcome should result in continuous improvement as well.**

Q: Do you prefer to mount the camera to the gun or a fixed position? Can you list pros and cons of each from your perspective? **A: I like the versatility of both options. Most of the benefits should be realized from the on-gun mount.**

Q: Who is using the welding camera? Do you intend it to be used by a single person or by a team? **A: I intend to be the primary user.  However, I can see it being used by my team members across North America.**


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