MeltTools offers several different solutions for monitoring column and boom welding. The appropriate solution is specific to the welding process used (GMAW, SAW or GTAW) and takes into consideration space constraints to determine the most suitable model of camera.
In this example, integrator WeldPlus (Cincinnati, Ohio) required a solution to monitor a 12’x12’column and boom unit setup with a Miller Electric GMAW process. Lincoln Electric provided the CS250 slides and tactile seam tracking system to maintain the position of the weld head to the seam. MeltTools provided a DART camera system which included the camera, camera mount, cabling and tubing, monitor and camera control unit. In this case, the weld torch is positioned by the Lincoln seam tracker. The DART camera was located above the solidifying puddle to monitor it. Weld Plus integrated the three different vendors’ solutions into a control station as shown.